First a caveat. My camera is mostly broken. So most pictures turn out like this: Yep...that's me...just blurry!
But sometimes I can get a few decent ones like the day Kara and I recently made favors for my friends baby shower.They turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. This is her enjoying some of the chocolate as a reward for all her hard work!
Kara and I made a Thankful Tree. I stole this idea from another blog (don't remember where...sorry!). The leaves are all the things that she is thankful for.
Here's when we started...
Notice the ONE missing tooth:
And today we finally finished it.
A closeup of some of the leaves (decorated with stickers and glitter, of course) And here are TWO missing teeth.
I am a stay at home/homeschool mom with husband, Luke, 7 year old daughter, Kara and newborn premie Micah. I love reading, cooking, organizing, music (I teach violin) and laughing!