We took a fun homeschool field trip to an apple/pumpkin farm. First we were taught about how pumpkins grow and got to handle a few pumpkins and gourds.Then we took a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to pick out one to take home: After that, Kara and the other kids explored the other things to do: Finally, we visited the store. Kara enjoyed her blueberry candy stick!
Kara is in her second year as a Spark and Luke is in his third year as commander in our church's Awana program. Don't smile here, Kara: She said that her favorite part is games but she also likes music because she gets to see her mommy :). Micah usually just chills during Awana:
I am a stay at home/homeschool mom with husband, Luke, 7 year old daughter, Kara and newborn premie Micah. I love reading, cooking, organizing, music (I teach violin) and laughing!