After googling for an hour about how to keep my kitchen washcloths from getting that stinky smell...I did one better. I asked my mom.
"Don't use a washcloth for more than two days."
Duh! I had been waiting to wash it until it starting stinking! No wonder I couldn't get the smell out.
Fresh washcloths works for me. Click on the icon for more cleaning tips.
You're lucky yours can last two days! We seem to need to wash ours daily!
My WFMW tip last week was on this same topic-- apparently lots of us deal with stinky towels/ washcloths! :) I've learned that using vinegar in place of fabric softener takes the odor out of stinky towels and washcloths. Mine need changed daily, otherwise they start smelling funky.
I shared my easy tip for removing crayon from walls and toys today for my WFMW post.
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