Saturday, March 7, 2009

Midnight Walk

Ok...I didn't really take my daughter and the Heater kids out for a walk at midnight, but we called it a midnight walk. They each had a cute little flashlight and it was super dark (maybe more than I anticipated). I couldn't resist being outside the whole day Friday because of the amazing weather. Here are some cute pictures:

PS: John is wearing Kara's coat. He probably didn't need a coat but I'm a bit overprotective!!!

And after that, we put buckets on our heads!


Erin_Speziale said...

Sooo cute! Haha, I was like "a midnight walk?! What?!" I love that first picture, that's precious! And what's a play date with Kara without putting buckets on your heads? ;)

Anonymous said...

That's such a good idea, our boys would love to play with flashlights outside. Right now we only allow them in their beds.

Mer Heater said...

I love how everytime my son is at your house, he gets "girlified" (pink coat).